几个自主开发的气固两相流封闭模型推荐 ——气固两相流封闭模型使用总结

Independent Development of Gas-Solid Closure Models Used in Industrial Reactors ——Summary of applicability of gas-solid closure models



Pelab research group of Shanghai Jiao Tong University has been engaged in chemical reactor engineering research and development for a long time. We developed a method of moments based deterministic model and a kinetic Monte Carlo-based stochastic model for identification of the reaction mechanism and visualization of the reaction process. Moreover, several closure models for key chemical reactors were developed independently. A multiscale coarse-grid computational fluid dynamics model considering the effect of inhomogeneous structures was thereby established by coupling the developed closure equations with the developed kinetic model as the source term. The above models and simulation results have led to the invention of the reactor components (e.g., the beveled impellers for gas-liquid slurry systems and the branched internal components for gas-solid systems) to enhance the multiphase transport process, which have realized the upgrading, optimization, and design of several types of industrial reactors in many large enterprises.



Recently, some domestic and foreign research groups have written to request the relevant information and open-source code regarding the interphase closure and the modification model for gas-solid flows developed by our group. In order to facilitate academic exchanges and jointly promote relevant research, we will first summarize the closure model of gas-solid flows independently developed, and then summarize the reaction mechanism identification and kinetic modeling methods (source code included). It is hoped that more peers to carry out development, evaluation and testing of relevant models due to the summary provided according to the requests of the peers. It is also hopeful to further improve the two-phase flow model and to promote the development of new reactor research paradigm.



If there is any problem, please feel free to contact us.



Note: The research outcomes below come from the Pelab Group in Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the copyrights of the outcomes reserve to the Pelab Group. The data set, UDF, and open-source Python code that support the findings of our study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable academic request. If you have any academic questions, please feel free to reach out to group leader Prof. Luo (luozh@sjtu.edu.cn).


气固两相流封闭模型总结: https://pelab.sjtu.edu.cn/research_files/Full_Article/Summary of models.pdf


课题组网页: http://pelab.sjtu.edu.cn/